Write a SQL query to find the ids for all students who achieved the lowest mark on the assignment among all students in the course ‘C2’, along with the course code and the assignment mark
كاتب الموضوع
mary biso
عضو نشط
مشاركات : 502
العمر : 27 الجنس : الدولة : mexico المدينة : mexico تاريخ التسجيل : 13/03/2013
موضوع: Write a SQL query to find the ids for all students who achieved the lowest mark on the assignment among all students in the course ‘C2’, along with the course code and the assignment mark السبت مارس 23 2013, 18:23
Write a SQL query to find the ids for all students who achieved the lowest mark on the assignment among all students in the course ‘C2’, along with the course code and the assignment mark