ساعدوني في بحث الانجليزية للسنة الاولى ثانوي
السلام عليكم
كيف حالكم
أنا حاصلة في بحث في مادة الانجليزية لسنة الاولى ثانوي::( وينص على
peopole' s newspaper reading habits
tv viewers and tv programmes
task one
decid which aspects of newspapers and their readers you would like to investigate
decide who will be your informants (age ,group,sex...)
fix a reasonable number of informants(20is good number)
whrit a first draft of your questionnaire and distribute it to your informant
task two
prepare your interview and rehears it with group members
start interviewing your informants ons you are ready
task three
ask yourselves questions such as ; do you informants like reading newspapers ? if yes why
give statisttics different types of graphic displays
task four
your report should inlude the following
resulte analsis of the resulte
conclusion, our findings show... therefore, we suggest
وشكرا مجددا وأرجو ان لا تبخلوني بمعلوماتكم وهو موجود في كتاب السنة الاولى ثانوي صفحة100